Yup. Today is the first full day back to school for kids here in Warren County.

...my thoughts exactly.
I don't even have to go back and I'm kind of sad about today. I feel your pain kids! Don't get me wrong...school is great. I had some wonderful teachers who really touched my life, I actually kind of liked having a schedule to adhere to, I learned many things that help me now in my career every day,I made some of my dearest friends there and I actually really liked school chicken strips and baked beans...but, thus far, I'm a much bigger fan of the "real world"...at least now I get a paycheck to get up so early in the morning!
School is a must to teach us some of the things we will need to know to go out into the "real world". Without the schooling I received, I would not have been given many of the opportunities that got me where I am today.
So, to all of the kids: Have a great first day! Have fun! Don't eat the paste. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and take lots of notes. Make new friends. Respect your teacher and your classmates. And just keep in mind...Christmas break is only a little over 3 months away!
Also remember, we have all the back-to-school supplies that you need. Inevitably, you will realize you've missed getting something on your list...you need more folders, pencils, paper...you've decided, after seeing what the school calls "pizza", that you might want to carry your lunch...your backpack isn't big enough for all of those textbooks...etc. etc. etc. We've got you covered. Come see us and we'll get you everything you need!