He always checks my oil before I go on a trip, he makes me cherry JELLO when I'm sick and gives me the first glass of the warm JELLO juice before he puts the rest in the fridge, he gets me tenderloin and biscuits on Friday and Saturday mornings, he puts up with "smooth - stomach friendly" coffee because I can't drink the "hard" stuff anymore, he eats WHATEVER I cook for him (even the awful tequila chicken I tried several years ago when I was first learning to cook), and of course - he loves my mom, my brother and me, he takes care of my mom and me, he works to provide for us and he's just the best dad anybody could ask for!
So...to my wonderful dad! Happy Father's Day! Many will say that I get my public/social personality and my looks from my mom - but everything else is from my dad - my temper, my sense of adventure, my bladder (you don't want to go on road trips with dad and I, we don't stop until we get there), my work ethic, A LOT of my interests, habits and attitude toward things....
I have joked my whole life that my brother is my mom's favorite and I am my dad's favorite...I'm pretty sure it's a little bit true...it's not a bad thing though, I AM a daddy's girl!
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